
SMP Volunteer Information

Medicare fraud steals billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers every year. Here’s what you can do to HELP as a Senior Medicare Patrol Volunteer:

Volunteer Roles

  • Distributing information
  • Assisting with administration
  • Staffing exhibits
  • Making group presentations

Volunteer Role Descriptions

How to become an SMP Volunteer

Volunteer Information

  • Volunteer application If you would like an application mailed, please call our SMP Fraud Helpline at 800-333-4374 and we will mail one out to you.

Volunteer Newsletters







StateWide's Certified Counselors

StateWide’s certified counselors provide FREE personalized, confidential, unbiased information about Medicare options including prescription drug plans.

Call us at 1-800-333-4374 or email us at info@nysenior.org

Contact us

Call us at 1-800-333-4374 or email us at info@nysenior.org for FREE personalized, confidential, unbiased information about Medicare options including prescription drug plans.

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